2025 Nominations for Board of Trustees

The Shawnee Hills Property Owners Association Board of Trustees are requesting nominations for the 2025 election of Trustees. The next election of Trustees will take place in January 2025 and the first meeting for these newly elected Trustees will be February 2025. The association has (3) board seats that will be open for this election. If you would like to be considered as a possible candidate for the 2025 Board of Trustees, please contact our clerk, Janet Barker, for a nomination form. You can either send her an email at clerk@shawneelake.org, call the office at 937.902.6194 to have a form mailed, or download the form at our website, shawneelake.org. All nomination forms must be received by January 3, 2025. Candidates for the Board of Trustees must be an Association Member in good standing with all fees current. Ballots will be mailed in January to all Association members who are in good standing.

Nomination Form